Our passion for technology and commitment to excellence sets us apart.
We partner with startup founders, investing in their success with our technical expertise.
Our office is located in the serene city of Samsun, Turkey, fostering creativity and productivity.
At Bordo.io, we know that developing technology requires a rested and creative mind. While it is possible to conduct business in big cities, a peaceful and tranquil environment is necessary to develop new products. That's why we encourage our development team to work in the serene and happy city of Samsun, in our office located in the marina right on the sea. Additionally, we trust in the potential of the people who come from this region and believe that they can achieve great things when given the opportunity.
As a partner, Bordo.io supports startups all over the world from our office in Samsun. We help creative teams of successful startups find their way in the ever-changing world of technology. You can find our team at our Samsun marine office, where we work tirelessly to provide the best possible support to our clients.
We prioritize strong founder teams and innovative ideas with potential for global impact.
At Bordo.io, the team is everything. We believe that the executive team of the startup is an extension of our own team. That's why we prioritize the founder team of a startup - their expertise, network, and business acumen.
We also consider the idea and the potential for the project to go global and solve real-world problems. Our technical team should have some level of understanding of the domain, so we prefer not to invest in domains that we are unfamiliar with. We prioritize startups that can support each other as partners.
Finally, we evaluate the project as an investor would, looking for investment-worthy ideas. We examine financial projections, exit plans, partnership structure, pilot region preferences, and potential customers to determine whether the idea is worth investing in, knowing that if we invest, venture capital will also invest.
Our expertise includes Blockchain, Software Development, Quality Assurance Testing, and Artificial Intelligence.
Startups are organizations racing against time, and in the tech startup world, rapid development is expected. That's why we prefer technologies that enable us to quickly develop and launch MVPs, such as Meteor.js and NextJS. We strive to avoid procedures that slow down the MVP development process and progress quickly using Kanban Board.
Once the MVP is launched and feedback is received, we transition to developing a stable product. During this phase, we use an agile approach and rewrite the product if necessary, based on user feedback. When a stable product is achieved, we enter maintain mode, where we focus on keeping up-to-date with the latest technologies and using agile processes to manage the team.
Our gamified onboarding program, Deeploy, helps develop our team members into skilled professionals.
At Bordo.io, we are committed to building a strong company culture and ensuring that it continues to develop and evolve. We believe that our team's contribution is crucial to the process of improving our culture and eliminating any undesired elements. However, we understand that uncontrolled growth can harm the startups we partner with, so we prefer to develop our team members instead of hiring outside talent.
We have an onboarding program called Deeploy, where developers who apply for the program take on different roles in projects, from intern to junior to mid-level to senior. Each role has its own levels, and the process is gamified, providing an engaging and rewarding experience for our team members.